Words are flowing out like endless rain into a papercup,they slither wildly as they slip away across the universe.
segunda-feira, 28 de novembro de 2016
Kanye West exposed the Illuminati
Regarding to the last weird performance of the musician Kanye West where he ranted about the most different things, but speacilly about media manipulation and fake news being then hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital because he "went crazy" (see by yourself: http://worldtruth.tv/kanye-west-kidnapped-placed-in-mental-hospital-exposing-illuminati/):this is not new, keeps happening when the celebrities' mind control program breaks down and they have to be hosptalized in psychiatric hospitals and given drugs to reprogram them, also known as rehab, when they have a mind control malfunction glitch like for example what happened to Britney Spears, then media will try to make them look crazy and descredit them when they were trying to communicate something to us: that they are prisioners of Hollywood owners that chose what they are and what they must say or not, you can call this owners Illuminati or whatever you want, but in fact, artistic freedom in mainstream areas is stricted, and you only sell if you are a sell-out. When Prince and Michael Jackson started talking weird things and trying to break free from their record agencies, they died from prescription drugs...it is a coincidence? guess not! This people aren't crazy they are trying to break free.
domingo, 27 de novembro de 2016
why the pedo elite want google, twitter and facebook to censor "fake" news?
Media is trying to debunk the PizzaGate peadophilic scandal just saying it is fake, because it is fake, and they are the ones who decide what is fake or real without investigating the serious proof and weird instagram pictures and comments alternative media found!
I insist, you must read the e-mails of John Podesta on wikileaks talking in pedo code saying "when can I do a pizza?", and other sick things.
Rad this pedo fucktard e-mails on wikileaks speaking in pedo codes and then tell me if you think this is a normal conversation and if the FBI should investigate Hillary Clinton and other sick people related to them! READ! Instead of just mocking "conspiracy theories" READ! This is extremelly serious people!
Here: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/?q=comet&mfrom=&mto=&title=¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6#searchresult
What does this Podesta creep guy mean by "still in torture chamber...last night was fun!?" https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/56492
Also, why the hell would this guy would be in a pool with 3 kids aged 11,9 and 7to have further entertainment? Read: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54545 Does this seems normal and innocent to you at all???
Who the hell plays dominos on cheese and pasta? https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/30613
Here, leaked info from the instagram of the owner of this pizza shop:http://vigilantcitizen.com/vigilantreport/pizzagate-4chan-uncovered-sick-world-washingtons-occult-elite/
I also found this very interesting and well done videos:
I insist, you must read the e-mails of John Podesta on wikileaks talking in pedo code saying "when can I do a pizza?", and other sick things.
Rad this pedo fucktard e-mails on wikileaks speaking in pedo codes and then tell me if you think this is a normal conversation and if the FBI should investigate Hillary Clinton and other sick people related to them! READ! Instead of just mocking "conspiracy theories" READ! This is extremelly serious people!
Here: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/?q=comet&mfrom=&mto=&title=¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6#searchresult
What does this Podesta creep guy mean by "still in torture chamber...last night was fun!?" https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/56492
Also, why the hell would this guy would be in a pool with 3 kids aged 11,9 and 7to have further entertainment? Read: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54545 Does this seems normal and innocent to you at all???
Who the hell plays dominos on cheese and pasta? https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/30613
Here, leaked info from the instagram of the owner of this pizza shop:http://vigilantcitizen.com/vigilantreport/pizzagate-4chan-uncovered-sick-world-washingtons-occult-elite/
I also found this very interesting and well done videos:
It is also sick this elite pedos have put pedo codes all along in our movies and tv shows for kids, like this weird episode with the Olsen sisters:
or with Macauly Culkin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rFDA9qWtFc&feature=youtu.be
Pizzagate will be a never ending investigation, we will not be silenced even if facebook and google block independent activists and researchers and hackers, we can make this information go viral even with your censor and media trying to debunk paedophilia rings controlled by the elite, instead of actually block and ban peaedophiles from the webb and Isis tweets. The elite is the only one with power to buy mainstream media into protect their image, don't go to courts using corrupt lawyers and judges that make a way out the corrupt laws and stop the police investigation. You need guts to know about this sick perversions, but don't turn your back away from it just because you realize how the world is sick, because we need your atention and outrage and disgust and force to stop this sick elite from molesting, torturing, raping and killing kids. We, the people have to do this, not the corrupt politicians, journalists, judges or the police because they obbey the system, WE HAVE, we will!If you care about children and hate this sick people spread this investigation, make it go viral, and do all you can to help any kid. This is one of my new purposes in life, help this kids and stop this sick pedo pervs, hope you are with me....remember there are more of us than more of them, and they are scared to death of our awakenning. A good pedo is a dead pedo!This monsters have no right to live, even less being in power of nations, courts, etc, etc and try to control us, the elite does not deserve any obedience or respect! We are not afraid!
sábado, 26 de novembro de 2016
seriously?? I just can´t believe...my mind gets me twisted all the time...just after knowing about the pizzagate scandal and that ping pong restaurant that serves pizzas and has ping pongs and a huge white cave what happens? I am invited to an integration night at a mormon church (I have mormon friends, I don't want to be one, just went there to talk to them and hang out) , which consisted in a party, in the cave of the church, really big and with white walls, with ping pong tables, and the elder mormons served us pizza...I am just super overwhelmed by this kind of stuff that happens in my life, I literally keep attracting stuff I think...at least this party was normal, I don´t know, I left earlier whatever! WEIRD!!!
sexta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2016
save the children!
Ok people, I am super disgusted and can't sleep at night, and I really need to tell someone about this.
You don't hear it in mainstream media, but wikileaks hacked e-mails from Hillary Clinton and her staff disclosed a pedophilic ring, in which her chairman John Podesta is very important.
So apparently pizza is a name code pedophiles use to call little girls, and this John Podesta guy talked in pedophilic code lots of times with other supposed pedophiles.
So I read some e-mails of this disgusting guy going to a spirit cooking at a private home done by the satanic artistis Marina Abramovic or something like this and also something about pizza and I was clueless, but now this is starting to make sense.
I have heard from a lot of "conspiracy" theories researches and real witnesses, most people in power are sick pedophilic satanists, but never researched too much about that.
So if this information in this videos and all this sites is true 100% ,there is a a restaurant called Comet Ping Pong in Washington DC, USA, where they serve pizzas, it is also a bar and they give parties, in which all ages are welcomed (weird...). Some owners and visitors of this creepy place have accounts on twitter and instagram where this pictures were leaked, and if they are real, it is really really disturbing all this obcession with kids and babies, the fact they have coffins in basements and holes on the ground, and a crazy room in a cave some comments on that picture say "so much fun", "kill room"...and then this nasty ugly video with a creepy performer making pedophilic "jokes" I am afraid this even might be something that happened! The fact that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and some other elite people go in this pizza restaurant...after all, what can be so important about a pizza place?
I am really disturbed and confused, you can watch the videoshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4OP--ZXOjc on youtube, made by incredible ordinary researchers that are trying to wake people up to this nasty and ugly world, controlled and ruled by psycopaths. I'm not going to post the videos here because it is awful, and I don't want my blogue to have this kind of content, but neverthless I had to make a way to reach my audience and tell them about this super strange thing, so I saw this documentaries:
#PizzaGate: what we know so far:
A site saying this is a true story:http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=55555
New York Times saying it is a fake new,:http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/21/technology/fact-check-this-pizzeria-is-not-a-child-trafficking-site.html?_r=0
Well let me tell you something, I really wish this story was fake, but I need more than a newspaper saying "yeh it is fake", without explaining this facts and why this people speak in weird pedo codes and put weird pictures on their instagarms and pedo friendly logos on their pizzas restaurants...do this main stream morons didn't get this right already????WE NEED MORE THAN YOU SAYING TO US SOME INDEPENDENT RESEARCH SPREAD ON THE INTERNET IS FAKE JUST BECAUSE...OH YOU SAID IT IS FAKE! Without even investigate this instagram weird people and their weird photos, specially with kids???Without talking about the pedo codes on the e-mails leaked by wikileaks??? We know this stuff now! No turning back, mainstream media is going down, we don't trust you anymore and even if you push to censor us or shut us down putting Mark Zuckerberg and other techonology kings to censor what you call fake news? Who decides what is true or false? YOU!? I guess not! Facts speak louder than your words nobody listens to anymore, you mainstream are bought and corrupt and protect the elite, but you can't no longer program us or distort reality, we are aware and we will fix this, because we will no longer stay silent and consume your false reality! We have minds of our own and endless people fighting for truth inside and outside the internet, we will defeat you sooner or later, there are more of us than you, and we are no longer afraid!
And there is many many more, interesting research material, but I got sick enough from it and I really wish I could eliminate this "people", because in my views pedophiles have no right to live!
Listen, you will not hear this from the main stream media, so research for yourself, read the wikileaks leaked e-mails, no one in power ever said it was false, because they were hacked, all you get from this in power people is silence....you go ahead and say I must be positive and stop researching things like this, and pretend the world is beautiful and all people are good, because that makes you feel happy...being an ignorant of the reality! I can't be happy knowing in this world kids ard being victimized and taken to pedophile rings for sick adults' entertainment that torture, rape them and even murder them, and you get mad at me and other truthers because we are telling you the truth!??This is the kind of people that rule nations and banks, this is our sick elite, if NSA used surveillance to spot and arrest pedophiles they would do a good thing, but they can't, because people in power are pedophiles and they are protected! This people are sick, we must expose them and make justice even if it has to be by our hands, acknowledge truth, expose, act. We are more and more each days, we know what the elite does and we will not tolerate to be ruled by sick pervs like them anymore, no matter how much mainstream media protects you, and you try to label truthers investigations as fake news and shut us down...we are waking up, you will not control us anymore, we have the power! NWO is going down!
Everybody should know about this stuff...pedophilia is real and exists specially in the elite members, they are sometimes even knighted by the Queen of England (like that creep the Savile!), they are then protected by their own corrupt laws, courts, and media, so we apparently can't do anything to stop it...unless we act by our own forces. Pedophilles do not deserve to live, seriously I would kill some if I had the chance and believe I would do the world a huge huge favour!
We must save this kids!
You don't hear it in mainstream media, but wikileaks hacked e-mails from Hillary Clinton and her staff disclosed a pedophilic ring, in which her chairman John Podesta is very important.
So apparently pizza is a name code pedophiles use to call little girls, and this John Podesta guy talked in pedophilic code lots of times with other supposed pedophiles.
So I read some e-mails of this disgusting guy going to a spirit cooking at a private home done by the satanic artistis Marina Abramovic or something like this and also something about pizza and I was clueless, but now this is starting to make sense.
I have heard from a lot of "conspiracy" theories researches and real witnesses, most people in power are sick pedophilic satanists, but never researched too much about that.
So if this information in this videos and all this sites is true 100% ,there is a a restaurant called Comet Ping Pong in Washington DC, USA, where they serve pizzas, it is also a bar and they give parties, in which all ages are welcomed (weird...). Some owners and visitors of this creepy place have accounts on twitter and instagram where this pictures were leaked, and if they are real, it is really really disturbing all this obcession with kids and babies, the fact they have coffins in basements and holes on the ground, and a crazy room in a cave some comments on that picture say "so much fun", "kill room"...and then this nasty ugly video with a creepy performer making pedophilic "jokes" I am afraid this even might be something that happened! The fact that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and some other elite people go in this pizza restaurant...after all, what can be so important about a pizza place?
I am really disturbed and confused, you can watch the videoshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4OP--ZXOjc on youtube, made by incredible ordinary researchers that are trying to wake people up to this nasty and ugly world, controlled and ruled by psycopaths. I'm not going to post the videos here because it is awful, and I don't want my blogue to have this kind of content, but neverthless I had to make a way to reach my audience and tell them about this super strange thing, so I saw this documentaries:
#PizzaGate: what we know so far:
A site saying this is a true story:http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=55555
New York Times saying it is a fake new,:http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/21/technology/fact-check-this-pizzeria-is-not-a-child-trafficking-site.html?_r=0
Well let me tell you something, I really wish this story was fake, but I need more than a newspaper saying "yeh it is fake", without explaining this facts and why this people speak in weird pedo codes and put weird pictures on their instagarms and pedo friendly logos on their pizzas restaurants...do this main stream morons didn't get this right already????WE NEED MORE THAN YOU SAYING TO US SOME INDEPENDENT RESEARCH SPREAD ON THE INTERNET IS FAKE JUST BECAUSE...OH YOU SAID IT IS FAKE! Without even investigate this instagram weird people and their weird photos, specially with kids???Without talking about the pedo codes on the e-mails leaked by wikileaks??? We know this stuff now! No turning back, mainstream media is going down, we don't trust you anymore and even if you push to censor us or shut us down putting Mark Zuckerberg and other techonology kings to censor what you call fake news? Who decides what is true or false? YOU!? I guess not! Facts speak louder than your words nobody listens to anymore, you mainstream are bought and corrupt and protect the elite, but you can't no longer program us or distort reality, we are aware and we will fix this, because we will no longer stay silent and consume your false reality! We have minds of our own and endless people fighting for truth inside and outside the internet, we will defeat you sooner or later, there are more of us than you, and we are no longer afraid!
And there is many many more, interesting research material, but I got sick enough from it and I really wish I could eliminate this "people", because in my views pedophiles have no right to live!
Listen, you will not hear this from the main stream media, so research for yourself, read the wikileaks leaked e-mails, no one in power ever said it was false, because they were hacked, all you get from this in power people is silence....you go ahead and say I must be positive and stop researching things like this, and pretend the world is beautiful and all people are good, because that makes you feel happy...being an ignorant of the reality! I can't be happy knowing in this world kids ard being victimized and taken to pedophile rings for sick adults' entertainment that torture, rape them and even murder them, and you get mad at me and other truthers because we are telling you the truth!??This is the kind of people that rule nations and banks, this is our sick elite, if NSA used surveillance to spot and arrest pedophiles they would do a good thing, but they can't, because people in power are pedophiles and they are protected! This people are sick, we must expose them and make justice even if it has to be by our hands, acknowledge truth, expose, act. We are more and more each days, we know what the elite does and we will not tolerate to be ruled by sick pervs like them anymore, no matter how much mainstream media protects you, and you try to label truthers investigations as fake news and shut us down...we are waking up, you will not control us anymore, we have the power! NWO is going down!
Everybody should know about this stuff...pedophilia is real and exists specially in the elite members, they are sometimes even knighted by the Queen of England (like that creep the Savile!), they are then protected by their own corrupt laws, courts, and media, so we apparently can't do anything to stop it...unless we act by our own forces. Pedophilles do not deserve to live, seriously I would kill some if I had the chance and believe I would do the world a huge huge favour!
We must save this kids!
domingo, 20 de novembro de 2016
(Un)happy birthday
Not sure if life is passing me by or trying to run me over but one thing is for sure, I am one year closer to death. But they say it is bettter to have one foot closer to death than both of them. So I want to thank of everyone that came to my life and made it feel less miserable and got drunk with me, because misery always loves company, and it drives me insane getting this fucking old,and seeing more and more younger people than me everywhere year after year, after year. I hate it! I bloody hate it!Anyways haappy birthday to me, I am surprised how I even lived this long.If you really think the way it is, all of us are basically serving life sentences. A depressive meme for a depressive day and a depressive life.

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